Every now and then, hubby would receive letters from credit card companies inviting him to apply for a credit card. These companies usually offer zero-interest rate, rebates and credit card debt consolidation as marketing strategy to attract more clients. They would even offer easy credit card processing where you can get an activated card within a few days. We already own a credit card and hubby opted to maintain only one credit card account. Our credit card has been very useful to us during emergency situation. I don’t want to sound like encouraging other people to get a credit card, but during urgent situation it will surely help you cope. One thing though, if you own a credit card make sure to use it wisely and don’t use it on impulse.
Credit cards can be a real life saver in times of emergency but as you have said one must use it wisely. A family member of mine have been asking me to apply a credit card and make her my extension but I have totally trashed the idea (not to be rude) and told her upfront that I wouldn’t dare. Lately she has been so addicted to online shopping that she literally spend each waking hour in front of the net till the wee hours of the morning just to bid on on items! What more if she became my credit card extension? I have secretly applied for credit card and told no one and plans to use this for real emergency situations only not for shopping emergencies. I have seen so many friends who have not been able to control their buying impulse and ended up with demand letters from the bank’s lawyers and that’s one thing I do not want to happen to me.
Hi there. I think you’ve made the right decision not to allow a relative to use or have access to your credit card. with her so called online shopping addiction, you might end up paying all her debts in the future. As far as securing a credit card for emergency use, i think that’s fine. we are maintaining a single credit card account for really important purposes as well.
Thanks for the visit and your thoughts on credit card use. I appreciate it. 🙂 — Yami