Category Archives: Parenting

Breastfeed Your Baby

Are you a new mom? Do you know the importance of nursing your young?

Here are the basic advantages of breastfeeding to nursing moms:


  1. Gives a kind of natural immunization against several diseases.
  2. Baby will have less stomach trouble since mother’s milk is easy to digest and absorb.
  3. No problem in preparing breast milk. It is always at the right temperature and free.
  4. Helps you avoid certain risks to your own health like bleeding after birth and breast and ovarian cancer.
  5. Makes it less likely that you will become pregnant too soon.



What you should do:

  1. Breast-feed you child exclusively from birth to six months of age. This means you should give your child no other drink or food, and you should let the child feed frequently and for unrestricted periods.
  2. You can continue breast-feeding for as long as your baby wants to, that is, well into the second year of life.
  3. To increase breast milk, feed your baby often. For your own nutrition, eat a variety of foods every day. Eat more meat, fish, eggs, milk, vegetables and fruit.
  4. Start giving other foods when the baby is four to six months. The baby needs additional foods for rapid growth and development.

Source: WHO

Over the counter prenatal vitamins

If you are an expectant mom, there are a lot of things to consider before taking any medicine or vitamins. Prenatal check-up is a must for pregnant women. Doctors monitor the development of both mother and child. Only doctors can tell you if you need any medication or vitamins to keep you and your unborn baby in top form. They will give you prescription of certain vitamins that you can purchase in drugstores. You can always visit the nearest private or public hospitals in your area to avail prenatal services and you will know what I’m talking about. Just a piece of advice, consult your OB-Gyne first before buying over the counter prenatal vitamins. The same care should be exercised in taking food or beverages that aren’t fit for consumption by pregnant women. Just be wary of anything you take for your sake and your unborn child’s health.

We, as parents

Rodliz’s Nest
There are things that I don’t like about my personal style of parenting. Sometimes I don’t impose myself on my kids especially when I’m busy in front of the computer. I tend to be relaxed to the point of neglecting them sometimes. But when I reached the point when I’m really angry (when they ignore me), I really lose my temper and end up shouting at them. I can’t say I’m not fully adjusted to being a SAHM. I’ve been out of job for three years. In that period I should have known my kids on a personal level. I know my kids, but sometimes, I feel that I should really spend more time to connect with them. Just this morning, my husband suggested that right after our project, we would treat the kids to be able to bond with them. We haven’t had any activity since our project started this month. And hubby thought our kids miss a lot (of our time) this summer. We will work on that plan soon… Now, going back to our parenting style, my husband is the person my kids look up to. I feel that they respect him more than me, it’s because he doesn’t shout at them. Hubby has his way of disciplining our kids. He talks to them a lot. Even when he’s angry, he remains calm and explains to our kids what they needed to hear. Sometimes, there is a downside to this, since he never gets angry, I mean really angry, the kids tend to abuse him. Even when he says no, the kids, especially my son, would still do what he wants. But since hubby has this unique convincing power, he still won over them. No bad words were spoken or kids hurt during the negotiation lol. Seriously, I feel like I’m a bad mom when they ignore me and they are all ears to their Daddy. 🙁

How about you what is the best parenting style that works for you?