Category Archives: Parenting

Late sleepers

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The kids are still used to sleeping late. They should have started changing their sleep pattern this week otherwise they will have difficulty waking up on time once school begins a week from now. They could listen to music on their cellphone all they want as long as their sleep will not get interrupted by the loud sound emanating from their wireless microphone headset.

They always reason out that they are big enough to know when to go to bed, but they need enough hours of sleep to get them alert in school. I just don’t know how to convince them to sleep early. Do you have any suggestions?

Worthwhile and Practical Activities Moms Can Do This Summer

There are times when moms become bored at home because they do not have anything to do. If this is the case, then there are some fun activities that can be done that will not require moms to spend a lot of money. Here are just some of the activities that moms can do:


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  • Do some sewing. Sewing and doing cross stitch can help moms lose time because they will be immersed in making figures with the use of the thread, the cloth and the needle. There are some moms who discover their talent in sewing because of this simple activity.

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  • Teach kids household chores. Moms can always make chores seem like a fun activity with the use of creativity. Not only will moms be able to bond with their kids, kids will also learn the importance of sharing the chores inside the house.
mom online

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  • Moms can also work online during the summer especially when they are busy if it’s not summer time.

These are just some activities that are worthwhile. There are still more things that can be done that are not only practical, they are effective as well.


Mommy Job

Being a mother to little children really entails a lot of hard work. Not only would you have to be a teacher and a tutor at the same time, a peace-maker and a diplomat even when you wanted to have a well-deserved breakdown or throw a fit of your own. You also have to be a walking convenience store with loads of magic, which could include candies or chocolates or a few tiny toy soldiers or a bubble machine, up on your sleeves, to keep the kiddos entertained during long travels. Apart from that, you also need to be up on your toes keeping them safe all the time making sure they never bump into anything hard or slip into something while playing like there’s no tomorrow in the living room. And do not forget, you have to be on your guard all the time taking those cleaner jobs as seriously as you can cleaning up after them.