Category Archives: Friends

The movie(s) in my mind

For my girl pals who haven’t watched Bridget Jones’s Diary and its sequel Bridget Jones’s Diary – The Edge of Reason -  I suggest you reserve  a copy of both romantic comedy films. I’m telling you both movies left a smile on my face. There are facets in Bridget’s life that are somewhat similar to my personal life before I got married. Well, you can exclude the part where Bridget indulges in alcohol and smoking when she got depressed over love.


Girls Talk is hosted by BeautyQueenGene. Visit the chic site here.

Blog Review For A Cause

Buy a blog review for $10 and help Baby Bella for her Hernia operation

A hernia is the protrusion of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it. When a hernia is not repaired, it may become strangulated. When strangulation occurs, there is a danger that part of the intestine be caught in the hernia cutting off blood supply to the tissue. Also, when a bowel obstruction occurs, it leads to severe pain, vomiting, nausea and inability to have a bowel movement or pass gas. Although Hernia happen to boys mostly, girls can also experience it.

We can help raise the expenses needed for Bella’s operation by purchasing a blog review from her Mom, Mommy Rubz. A blog review from her PR3 blog. The review is consist of 150 words (all positive) with 2 links (home page link) and an image of the header or screen shot of the blog to be reviewed. One link with the blog title as the anchor text and the other link is on the image.

Please send Pehpot an email ( with the url of the blog you want Ruby to review.. and she will reply with the url of the post and the paypal id where you can send the payment and if you are generous enough, you can even add more to the $10 price… she be waiting for your email!

Let’s us help Mom Rubz raise the needed fund for her precious child’s operation.