I’ve made a simple work resolution this year to improve time management. Here’s my concise list and I’m working on it slowly but surely.
• Manage time properly. Try to balance my online and offline (real-life as friends call it) schedule while I can (so hubby will not be burdened with all the chores around the house).
• Avoid procrastination. Complete my task on time and not cram at the last minute. (I’m good at delaying certain task and truly hate the outcome.
• On the right track. Start the day right with a smile and positive attitude and everything will surely fall in their right places.
• Self control. Minimize online activities like blogging, opening up Facebook and other social media in between doing household chores.
• Sleep early. I can’t work and think right if I don’t get enough sleep. So, I need to manage my sleeping schedule. I’d also squeeze in time for exercise, might check on some zafu accessories to get me started.
I’d like to see some improvement on my work schedule this year, so I’m sticking on this list whatever it takes.