Tag Archives: marce club

Happy Birthday Marce Seiko!

Like most of my other mommy blogger friends and kumares, I’ve virtually met Seiko through Mommy Moments. She is living in Japan with her equally lovely daughters and loving husband.  Next month, I might have the chance to finally meet this generous lady along with other Marces in person. I don’t know how to speak Japanese, but a website says this is how you say Happy Birthday in Japanese the formal way.

Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu


Mare, I wish you more birthdays to come. Stay as sweet and kind as you are. Stay blessed. See you soon. 🙂

Happy Mother’s Day too!

They love lasagna

Have you seen what the Marce Club gave me on my birthday? Chocolate cake and baked lasagna from Red Ribbon! What a perfect treat to celebrate my birthday.

Thank you marces!
The meal arrived just in time for snack. The kids love lasagna so they are excited to get their share. Since it’s my birthday, its a sort of tradition on my family to give something that I cooked or bought to my relatives, so I gave my mother and SIL each a slice of lasagna.  I’m fortunate to have tasted one third of the slice. Otherwise, my son would have taken my entire share. waah!

Without the carbohydrate-laden lasagna I don’t think I would look for the best diet pills for women. I can’t pig out on cake either because kids and hubby are there to remind me to slow down.  😀