Tag Archives: Friends

The Versatile Blog Award

Thanks to Mommy Einz , Mommy Rossel and Mommy Mylene for this blog award.  I’ve got the same award posted in my other blog, too.

The rules of this award are  very simple.
  • Blog about the award, thanks and link back the giver.
  • Tell 7 things about yourself in your post.
  • Share the award to 15 most recent blogs you discovered.
  • Let the recipients know that you tag them.
7 things about me:

I’m a shy type of person
I’m sentimental.
I’m hopeless romantic.
I’m a procrastinator.
I wish to attend scriptwriting classes.
I wish to learn how to put on make-up.
I want to travel (anywhere) before the year ends.

I’m sharing this to all beautiful people who will pass this site.This is for you guys, feel free to grab it and share it with your friends. Have fun! 🙂



I was fixing my box of trinkets and saw these bracelet and pair of earrings inside (similar to the photo). These jewels are personalized gift of my friend Lorena several Christmases ago. She is so good at designing her own jewels and even sends them abroad to her sisters. She sells them at reasonable prices. I miss her and her kindness to me and my family. She treats my kids as her own. She and hubby were friends long before I came to know my future husband. She never fails to call me despite her busy schedule as a mom and a student. She just graduated from her second course and hoping to be a registered nurse someday. She always reminds me to include her in my prayers. Even if she don’t request for it, she is in my thoughts and always wish for her all the good things in life. Miss you Lors. 🙂

Friends are there when you need them

My mother feels better now, but I’m still on my sentimental mode. Last night, I was able to talk to a friend. She made me feel a little better…I don’t want to go into much details, it’s enough that I share how I feel about this person. God really works in wondrous ways. He allows the right people, in the right place, at the right time for other people needing their help. Thank you, sis! 🙂