International Women’s Day 2021

Happy International Women’s Day!

Cheers to the working women; mommies at home, mommy blogger friends, mommies in the corporate world; and single ladies (including my young adult daughter) out there!

Photo by Valentina Conde on Unsplash

I don’t have many pictures to share to commemorate the occasion. I’m happy to share a few that I was able to save from my computer. I actually retrieved them from my blog’s FB page.

These pictures were taken during the Villar Foundation-Green Enterprises Tour in Las Piñas in 2012. It’s one of the coverages I’ve done as a blogger.

Kudos to these women for thriving. Despite the difficulty of their jobs, they are proud to earn for their loved ones.

Basket weaving. She weaved the dry water hyacinths stalks to create this basket.

Water hyacinth was once tagged as aquatic pests as it clogs the river and serves as the breeding ground for dengue mosquitoes, but for the men and women of Las Piñas, water hyacinth is a source of income. Las Piñas has four weaving centers to date.

Twining coconut fiber. Finished coco nets are used for slope protection and control soil erosion.

Fiber can also be used as mattress filler and briquette holder for plants. Coco nets are being used by Las Piñas City and private developers.

Handloom weaving. Fine blankets are distributed as part of relief goods during natural disasters.

The handloom weaving began several years ago in Las Piñas is helping at least 20 families. There are 17 machines found in 5 barangays that produce 800 blankets a month. Each worker earns P65 per finished blanket. (I haven’t had an update on this yet. I hope the program still employs more women.)

These women believed in the virtue of diligence and hard work. They were happy to share that anyone can earn a decent living from segregated and recycled waste materials.

Some unforgettable stories I posted in my other blog,

Meanwhile, this is me, when I was working as a reporter for People’s Tonight. I was interviewing a young girl for my story. I had good memories of doing my job to the best of my abilities. Happy International Women’s Day to all!

(This post originally appeared on

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